Yuck, both are disturbing to me. I hate "Nazis" from either side!
Relax, formula feeders, breast feeders, formula manufacturers, LC's, and Le Leche folks! Please, let me explain.
No mother should be made to feel guilty about her choice of breast or bottle.
Disclaimer: I breastfed 2 children until they weaned themselves.
Disclaimer #2: My mother did not breastfeed me, because at that time, formula was considered a healthier choice. I fully agree with all current studies, which disproves that.
Story #1
Story #1
I once had a patient who was doing a wonderful job nursing her infant.
The infant's grandfather was in the room, and said to me, "I just don't get what's so natural about THAT(breastfeeding)?"
I replied, "Sir, when your daughter got pregnant, her body began to prepare for her baby. Her breasts had colostrum before her baby was even born, and as her baby sucks, her brain stimulates her body to produce milk. Would you please explain to me how that's not natural?"
His reply, "Well, that's not what they're (her breasts) for!"
Nurse Amber, "well sir, it looks like your grandson disagrees."
The sad ending: before that mommy went home, she gave up on breastfeeding. Hmmm, I wonder why?
I have also cared for many mommies who didn't want to breastfeed. I have heard family members and friends make negative comments to them in order to make them feel guilty. I have even had mommies who had breastfed previous children, but decided not to breastfeed the "new infant."
I fully believe in and support education, but again, not guilt.
Saying that, when I think back on my babies, some of my sweetest memories are of breastfeeding them. Oh wow, I think I just "let down." Is that possible, it's been so long.
I also must say, I don't have any detachment issues when it comes to having not been breastfed by my own mother. I had a very healthy childhood physically and emotionally.
One more thing, Mommies. Quit making excuses, either way, own it!

If the big people wont feed me, I'll have to take matters into my own hands... or is that hands into my mouth... or feet?


I especially hope my LC co-workers enjoyed the pictures. Oh, and the post too.
To Judy, I'm sad for the many mommies and babies, that will never experience your expertise. Love, "Amber Bamber"
Now, here are some of my favorite pictures:
I especially hope my LC co-workers enjoyed the pictures. Oh, and the post too.
To Judy, I'm sad for the many mommies and babies, that will never experience your expertise. Love, "Amber Bamber"