Suck it up, and be a mom!
The things you are "tired of" is just getting started, friend.
As an L&D nurse, I think I've heard it all when it comes to T.O.B.P. (Tired of Being Pregnant) women.
Now, don't get your bloomers in a wad. I am not talking about women with medical issues.
Shall I give you some pre-delivery scenarios?
- First time mom, 37 weeks pregnant: "Ya'll have to do SOMETHING, I couldn't even eat all of my Thanksgiving dinner."
- Third time mom, 32 weeks pregnant, history of preterm labor with both previous pregnancies: "That doctor needs to 'take' my baby now, I'm tired of this, my other babies were premies and they're just fine now."
- A mom who is 40 weeks pregnant and says, "I've been contracting for weeks and no one will help me."
The combination of these mothers is frightening. A mixture of selfishness, laziness, immaturity, and lack of education. Unfortunately, I never cease to be amazed by these type of comments.
My two-cents opinion is that some of these moms can be rehabilitated with education. Those moms are the easy ones. They are just a bit clueless.
The worst are those who just don't care, because they are putting their needs and wants first.
For some women, pregnancy is one of the happiest times she will ever experience. For others, they may experience medical complications that make the experience of pregnancy far more difficult and even scary. Then we have the "all about me" woman.
Being pregnant can consist of hemorrhoids, back pain, Braxton-Hicks, ligament pain, acne, carpal tunnel, peeing on yourself, brittle hair, hair loss, rashes (sometimes severe), nausea, puking, constipation, diarrhea, swollen feet, hands and ankles (cankles), lack of appetite, increased appetite, cravings, baby daddy has cravings... I mean I could go on all night!
Seriously, you are growing a human. I personally believe there is no greater job, except actually raising the little human(s) you will call your child(ren). Pregnancy is usually not glamorous, but it is miraculous.
Educate yourself, your friends, your daughters. Put the little one growing inside of you first. This little one needs you to be healthy physically and mentally. He or she needs time to grow and develop. You, Mommy, need to listen to your body and baby. If it's not time, it's not time. Quit pushing your baby.
Again, SUCK IT UP... Be a mom!

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