Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Birthday I Almost Didn't Celebrate

The Birthday I Almost Didn't Celebrate

What I thought to be a simple vacation last February would prove to change my life. My family and I were at a resort with an indoor water park. The uh, water park, not too good at handling their chemicals. 

What did that mean for me?  Respiratory failure from Chemical Pnuemonitis.

I always thought I was one of those people ready to meet God. I still would say I am ready in the fact that I have no fear of where I will go or Who I will meet. Most of us have had that seemingly near death experience in a car, on a bike, Black Friday shopping, etc. I learned it's completely different to have that moment turn into days, then weeks, and months.
I have never had a birthday in which I felt happier or more grateful. I am thankful not just for my life, but for the people God placed in it.

One of the greatest lessons I have learned about friendship is this: your real friends love you at your worst, when you have nothing to give. They don't keep score, they need nothing in return, they accept you... all of you. That my friend, IS a friend for life!

The following picture is a breakfast tray that my 6 year old, Bella brought me one morning. Her smiles, hugs, kisses, cuddles in bed, home-made cards, "I hope you feel better, Mommy" was an ointment to my wounds. 

My 11 year old daughter, Ivy proved herself to be a very competent young lady who helped manage the household while her mom could not. She was my right hand in duties and never ceased to keep me in an endless supply of... everything. "I'll take it care of it, Mom" seemed to be her mantra. My pride in her warmed my heart.

My Mom and Step-dad, Bob helped in every way they could too. My mom stayed and took care of the house, meals, my family... Most of all, I know they prayed for me. I thank God for such a loving mom. I'm so glad God gave her such a wonderful husband in Bob. I have told her many times, that I don't know how she was able to snag such two wonderful husbands in her lifetime (the first being my dad who passed away... she isn't a polygamist!) I'm so thankful that God brought Bob into all of our lives!

I would never try to recall those who visited, called, sent cards, etc. during that time in my life. I do especially recall people from church around my hospital bed, praying for my healing, friends from work who visited and gave kisses on my forhead during the night, little treats, and messages... 

My friend Polly proved again to be so amazing. Between she and my husband, I was never alone at the hospital. She stepped in and homeschooled my girls, took them to doctor's appointments, activities, picked up groceries, made phone calls, drove me to every physical therapy appointment, cried with me, laughed with me, encouraged me... I can't say enough. She is better than my sister, she shares a part of my heart. I know her sweet family sacrificed their own needs so that she could help care for my family. All my love to Shane, Katelyn, Ben, Jacob and Lexi.
There is no greater person in my life, than my husband, Bo. We have been married just a little over 20 years. All of his family was so supportive: cooking meals, cleaning, and helping with the kids. God, as my Creator gave me a husband who would be my rock. There have been times in my life when I didn't know up from down, but Bo was right there with me. He makes me laugh, cry, yell... I trust him with every secret, every wish, every dream. I trust him with my whole heart. One day after my discharge home, I was having a really hard time and felt completely hopeless. He snuggled with me on the bed and just said, "I'm right here with you, and you can do this." The he played a song for me, I Won't Let Go by Rascal Flatts. It was just what I needed, I will never forget that moment or that song. 

Life can change in an instant. To be honest, I never thought "life" would mean my health. One day, I'm running on the beach, weeks later, I couldn't walk to the bathroom. Today, I have what seems to be irreversible asthma.

 I've learned so much in the past 9 months. Now, what to do with it. I hope the story doesn't end here.  

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