Monday, November 19, 2012

Horrific Birth Stories... the Worst!

Horrific Birth Stories... the Worst!

Gotcha! You thought I was going to tell horrible birthing stories. Oh, I could but that is what annoys me. So, I ask this:

Why do some women find the need to tell PREGGERS some horrible birthing story?

If you've been pregnant, are pregnant  or plan to be pregnant, you will encounter this woman. The interaction sounds something like this:

"Oh honey, how far along are you? Oh really, have they checked you for twins yet? Oh, you're feet are so swollen. You better be careful, my niece had that 'crampsia' something or another and they took her baby early. I was in labor for 12 days and no one would help me. I thought that baby would never come. When my baby came out, I thought I would just die. No matter how loud I screamed, no body would shoot me. I begged for that epidural, but they told me I was too late. Oh honey, I hope that doesn't happen to you. I just thought that baby would rip me wide open all the way to my belly button. The doctor had to stand up on a chair and just pull and pull. Then I almost died because I had 'the hemorragica.' Little Roger's head was so deformed and he wasn't breathing either. Well, honey you have a good day and enjoy that little baby!"
I mean really... really! I don't know how may times I've been in a labor room listening to women tell these stories. It makes me so angry. Who are these support people this mother has chosen? Believe it or not, it's often a sister or friend, not just the strange lady on the street who is rubbing all over your belly while she tells you this rubbish.

So, what can we do to support a pregnant mother? Encourage her for starters! Some mothers are very sick during pregnancy and/or delivery. For many, it's the best time of their life. Either way, support and encourage her.
National Geographic Photo Contest
I love this picture that was featured in National Geographic. Look at her face... It's physical pain mixed with pure exhilaration, it's an endorphin rush that jumping out of a plane or riding on a roller coaster can't match.  It's a spiritual elation of thankfulness and joy. It's an emotional connection of love at first sight. In this instant, she knows there is nothing she won't do to protect this baby. It's a physical bond to this child, that she carried, nourished, protected and felt move inside of her. It's a bond to the father that she didn't even know existed. It's holding skin to skin her every hope, dream, and fear for the rest of this baby's life. 
It is birth, it is undeniably a life changing experience. 

Mothers, make wise choices of who will share that moment with you.

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